Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

Lisa Spagnolo's Journal (22)

Keep on Movin'

Yes, I will admit the mantra for the past few weeks has been that Soul II Soul song.  Keep on movin, don't stop.  Life has thrown many challenges--all of the typical competing priorities of work, family, home & yard maintenance--and vacations!  My cycling has been especially consistent the past few weeks, probably the most since my regular early morning gym visits.  And, these rides have been late in the evening, refreshing after a long day. (some improved times here as well, but often… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on August 9, 2011 at 3:41pm — 2 Comments

Finding my way back in --maybe a UBBT update?

It's been a while since I posted anything, and also a challenge to maintain UBBT requirements lately.  June was an incredibly busy work month, and the fallout continues into July.  As a ripple effect, daily requirements fell by the wayside, or were spottily done, and I'm not happy about that.  I need to get back to that consistency that I had in December and January, and remind myself that I know how to do that (it *was* all working, then, yeah?).


Nevertheless, there have…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on July 7, 2011 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Still on the March (UBBT Update)

It has been too long since I've posted--I'm still on the march, & still chipping away at UBBT goals.  Preparing for this post gave great opportunity for some reflection.  The strengths so far have been: repetitions of basics and adding kata (~50%).  Although behind in crunches, I am able to do more in a stretch that I had before (thanks to one of Ms. Clark's class workouts, which helped me raise the bar). I am nearing 40% here and see myself quickly getting on track. I'm also really… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on May 24, 2011 at 9:42am — 2 Comments

Inspiration and Overcoming (UBBT update)

The theme of the past couple of weeks in UBBT-land has been inspiration and overcoming. I have to say I hit a slump in March and April, despite explicit claims of "coming back".  I let discouragement and doubt take center stage in my mind a bit more than I would have liked.  Not altogether consciously, I started looking for inspiration (and it looked for me as well).  With the spring weather more and more of the seasoned athletes and weekend warriors are visible, and their dedication is… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on April 29, 2011 at 2:35pm — No Comments

Following with a Good Shot -- UBBT Update

There is a passage in the Book of Five Rings that talks about learning from other activities: "A man cannot understand the perfection and imperfection of his chosen art if he cannot see the value in other arts."  This passage came to mind as I was applying some golf sayings to my UBBT journey (even though I did not watch any of the Masters).  One of those is "always follow a bad shot with a good shot."  Essentially--if you mess up, because it will happen, do the next thing well.  …


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on April 14, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

The Empty Hand in Action (UBBT update)

There's been so much going on lately to take away from UBBT focus. The biggest effort has been to not lose the thread--to keep up with as many of the requirements as possible each day and maintain connection.  My favorite moment on the journey since the last time I posted was this past Saturday. The stormy weather wasn't exactly inviting, but I managed to convince myself to take the bike out during what appeared to be a lull.  My usual route is down M Street--there was major wind tunnel that… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on March 22, 2011 at 8:40pm — No Comments

Basic Basics, and, oh right, those other goals (UBBT update)

[Drafts in process have been floating about...time to post it and move on... :) ]

Over the past couple of weeks what has loomed large is the most basic of basics: the importance of good sleep. We've been dealing with some sleep issues in our family--it hasn't just affected one of us. This disruption had the consequence of getting the whole routine out of whack, including for me regularly accomplishing UBBT numbers.  Every day included some of the requirements, just not all of them, and… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on March 13, 2011 at 2:34pm — 1 Comment

New Month, New Day (UBBT Update)

I had high hopes for February that didn't pan out as expected, so I'm really glad it's a new month.  Just looking at numbers, I'm pretty amazed at the accomplishment so far--more than I have ever done over the course of a winter, when I usually hibernate. Each day has new challenges and new inspirations. For example, yesterday I was clobbered by a migraine, but today I was encouraged by coming out of the gym at 6:30m and seeing how light it was. My legs are feeling stronger on the cycle…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on March 1, 2011 at 9:28pm — 1 Comment

Balance, and Adjusting to Life's Turns (UBBT update)

Since my last post the training has been up and down, at turns inspired and motivated, then struggling to fit in with the other demands of life. Monday was a definite high, meeting at the dojo to prepare the baskets of socks for the "Sock the Homeless" project--well done, everyone! Heading down to the Loaves and Fishes "campus" and meeting the Mustard Seed staff was a great inspiration to keep things circulating ("things" = food, clothes, smiles...compassion and grace).

Work projects… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on February 18, 2011 at 5:38pm — 3 Comments

Persevering on the (Reclaimed) Road (UBBT Update)

The most important UBBT requirement for me right now is "No Quitting," not that I'm thinking about doing that, but I'm seeing each day of activity as progress toward that requirement, however it takes shape.  Daily perseverance.

I'm exploring a couple of the more mental/attitudinal requirements in new ways--the meditation and the acts of kindness--and look forward to building greater consistency and attention (intention?) with these.  The highlight of my meditation from this past week… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on February 7, 2011 at 10:53am — 2 Comments

Off the Road, but Missed the Ditch (UBBT update)

It seems I've veered off the UBBT road a little bit. Not irreparably so, as I'm regularly posting progress in all of the requirements, just shy of my daily goals, and a bit overtaken by other life activities, like work, which is bursting the boundaries of an 8-hour workday. With it being the end of a month, and a beginning of a new one, it's a great time to take stock of goals, so I find myself going back to my statement of intent to see what I really committed to, and re-upping.

I'm… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 31, 2011 at 5:43pm — No Comments

Doing to Being

I'm especially excited about my cardio strides this past week.  Last Sunday, I had a short conversation with a friend of mine who is a regular long-distance runner.  Rather than having her share her experiences, and hearing them through a veil, I was able to ask her questions about my own walking/running, and how I should go about training to run more.    We were speaking from two points on the same continuum, not from completely different realms.  She suggested a good race distance--this may… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 23, 2011 at 8:34pm — No Comments

Better and Better: UBBT Progress

At the end of this week I’m reflecting on and savoring some minor accomplishments, and getting ready for new challenges. I’m proud of what I accomplished for UBBT during the work conference, not as much as during a normal schedule, but much more than I would have ever imagined in those circumstances:  7.55 miles ; 460 crunches and modified pushups; 6 repetitions of basics; 7 acts of kindness (this was really hard because there’s so much self-management). Meditation time was also difficult to…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 14, 2011 at 5:03pm — 1 Comment

UBBT on the road!

I'm writing this post from San Diego (rough!), and the first professional conference of my year.  A lot of my workday involves sitting at a computer.  At conferences though, we do a lot of running--back and forth down the convention center--as well as a lot of sitting, which is often on the floor in the back of the room by the power outlet (for the dying laptop).

This is also my first conference since starting karate, and in particular, starting UBBT. It's only one day in, but I've…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 7, 2011 at 7:02pm — 1 Comment

Happy New Year, Happy UBBT 8!

Here it is--the start of a new year! I'm doing something on this day I've never done before--reviewing UBBT numbers from December. Wow! 46,350 pushups to go....

We are saying goodbye to visiting family today, and also a good number of sugary holiday treats, some of which, I have to say, actually entered my body. I cleaned the pantry and refrigerator yesterday and had a wonderful breakfast of green tea and miso with tofu, onions and mushrooms.

I'm very glad I took time out… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 1, 2011 at 11:21am — 2 Comments

UBBT Wk 3-4 Dips but no Dives

I had planned on posting this on Friday, and then Christmas happened. 

Successes the previous week included persisting with the routine during the darkest days of the year, and overcoming some deficits after a very social day with dinner guests. Adjustments to basics made during class have been incorporated to practice at home, and I feel my balance improving with the kicks that require it most.

I've been able to redirect, at least a little bit, the weasel mind, who likes…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 27, 2010 at 9:42am — 1 Comment

My body is saying hello to UBBT Week 3

This week's overarching theme is overcoming resistance from my lizard brain, which doesn't like to be uncomfortable, and taking the long view. It was hard to get up a few days this week--my body definitely wants to hibernate for the winter.  But, I'm enough of a data geek for the spreadsheet tracking to motivate me. I have to keep filling in those cells! The wake-up calls--crickets from my phone so as not to wake up David--has been effective most days.

There are some areas I need to…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 17, 2010 at 12:59pm — 3 Comments

Repetition and the New Normal

Over the course of my working life as a manager, I have occasionally heard the question "when are we getting back to normal?" The answer is usually "this is the new normal." Time passes, and whatever change that was met with resistance is often incorporated into routine--until the next changes come, and they come fast these days.

It goes without saying that I'm applying the "new normal" to the first couple weeks…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 10, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

UBBT Letter of Intent

I realized I had been talking about my goals earlier but hadn’t yet posted my letter of intent. Here are my stated goals for the Ultimate Black Belt Test, some of which intersect well with some things that were already in mind. I have really appreciated how lessons at the dojo have contributed to a developing practice of discipline, which has seemed unattainable in certain areas of my life. Although still a white belt, I feel the UBBT represents a daily order for living that I… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 6, 2010 at 11:50am — 1 Comment

UBBT Days 1-3

It is only a few days into our UBBT journey, and I can already see new habits forming, a new way of responding that my body and mind were not used to before. Each of the three days began with a 5:30 gym visit, more consistently than I have ever done this, especially as a confirmed nightowl.

And yet, each of the three days was different as far as the challenges that came along: a moderately busy workday with class in the evening--easily time for all of the physical requirements; an… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 3, 2010 at 11:34pm — 1 Comment

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