Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

I realized I had been talking about my goals earlier but hadn’t yet posted my letter of intent. Here are my stated goals for the Ultimate Black Belt Test, some of which intersect well with some things that were already in mind. I have really appreciated how lessons at the dojo have contributed to a developing practice of discipline, which has seemed unattainable in certain areas of my life. Although still a white belt, I feel the UBBT represents a daily order for living that I have admired in the martial arts.

50,000 push-ups and crunches (starting w/ modified push-ups w/ a goal to gradually work up to full push-ups during the year as I gain strength)

1,000 sets of basics and repetitions of kata (transitioning during the year)

1,000 miles of walking/biking and running as knee issues permit (kindness to self)

1,000 acts of kindness

15 minutes of prayer daily

Weekly online journal entries

Additional goals:
  • (Re)-establish and maintain David Allen's Getting Things Done method of organizing at office and home
  • Personal health goal: a mix of numbers, daily nutrition, strength, and modification of pants inventory
  • Achieve 3 work goals during the year in the areas of 1) process improvement/innovation (serving organization); 2) staff support and training (serving staff); 3) professional development (strengthening self)
  • Lead/coordinate 1 community service project; participate in 3 additional during the year (1 per quarter)
I was debating about whether to include the work-related piece, but since it relates to overall discipline and making a professional contribution, I decided to keep it.

I am very excited about this year, and have already seen a glimpse of the possibilities during the past week.

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Comment by Chrissy Scott on December 7, 2010 at 8:20pm
Hey Lisa, sounds good! It's going to be an exciting year. I look forward to training with you! And comparing spreadsheets. Haha.

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