Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

Chrissy Scott's Journal (110)

Partner vs. Opponent

So I understand the concept of partner vs. opponent. I really do, but even understanding it doesn't mean I apply it ever time I should. Room for growth, right? I'm good with that, I embrace it even.

So, examples of when I acted like an opponent when I should have acted like a partner:

At work - Sometims, in my position, I'm asked to do things that are not exactly part of my job description. And sometimes, when I have a lot on my plate, or when I'm just in a bad mood, I ...… Continue

Added by Chrissy Scott on September 5, 2011 at 7:14pm — No Comments

Weeks 37 - 38 Here comes September

September is right around the corner and for some reason that feels like "almost there" is getting really close. The end of August makes 9 months of 150 push ups a day, 150 crunches a day, 3 katas a day, logging stuff, thinking about projects and doing some projects... etc. 9 months worth of daily repetitions, daily consciousness. I feel like I should wear a bracelet that says WWBBD (What Would a Black Belt Do). Ha. So, basically, a lot has gone into the last 9 months. A whole lot. Last…


Added by Chrissy Scott on August 28, 2011 at 3:09pm — No Comments

Week 34, 35 & 36 -Searchig for balance

I'm keeping up with my UBBT requirements well enough to not worry. I'm still struggling a bit to get more consistent with things tho. Better with kata (even catching up), ahead of schedule on push ups and sit ups. Still ahead on mileage but my cushion is detiorating a bit. Gott a make a push for miles this weekend. Still, comfortable with all those areas. Even got some volunteer time in this month with Getty Owl Foundation and working my way thru another book.

I'm assigning myself… Continue

Added by Chrissy Scott on August 23, 2011 at 7:56pm — 2 Comments

Week 31 - 33 exercise doesn't have to be exercise.

If I go out on a bike ride I try to get at least 5 miles at a time. I can do a quick 5 - 7 mile loop on my shortened lunch breaks. When time isn't an issue, I go for closer to 10 miles. Now in the world of cycling, 10 miles is not very far at all. So, I try to do a really hard 10 mile, fast, solid pace. And it feels good to go out and ride those 10 miles.

But... a nice leisurely 20-miler feels even better (not to mention those extra miles help that UBBT number get closer). So,… Continue

Added by Chrissy Scott on August 8, 2011 at 9:46pm — No Comments

Week 29 & 30 - And what I think is the start of my most important lesson yet

Much the same to report. Keeping up with everything. Lately the efforts have come in ebbs and flows rather than consistency and routine. I'll take it for now. I need to grant myself that. We're going on 8 months now, and that's usually a long training season for me. Usually after 8 months (wish is usually September-ish) I've done all the events I chose for the year. I've talked about this before, how keeping something going for 12 months was going to be a challenge. I was right, but I'm good…


Added by Chrissy Scott on July 11, 2011 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Weeks 27 and 28!

This month is going by way too quickly. It's been a big month with a few ups and downs. 


My birthday was up... the cold I can't seem to get rid of is a down. My dog eating something he shouldn't have and the ensuing vet bill... definitely a down. The raise I got last month reflecting on my paychecks... up. Falling behind on my mileage while I was sick... major bummer. The comfort of knowing that there a couple bike rides coming up that will make that right up...…


Added by Chrissy Scott on June 26, 2011 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

Week 24, 25 and 26! Hello June

Everything is going smoothly. Same struggles for a while now. Need to read more. Need to start running some longer distances. Need to find that quiet place where meditation is easier. Still... I'm going... and that feels like progress. Simply because I haven't stopped.


Community service project is brewing nicely. I've gotten pretty wrapped up in it all. I'm volunteering at the craft fair for them this weekend, for Getty Owl Foundation, and logging all the volunteer time I can…


Added by Chrissy Scott on June 10, 2011 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Week 23

Running just feels good. I missed running. All that cycling was great, I really enjoy cycling... but... man... running just FEELS good. 

It was a good week. The website for my community service project is coming along nicely and I can't wait to tell everyone it's out there, but I have to get it really done done first.

And... are you ready for this... I did two pull ups. Yup... it's true. Pull ups are hard, you know! I did two of them the other day. It's the push-ups. Because,…


Added by Chrissy Scott on May 21, 2011 at 2:25pm — No Comments

Week 20, 21, 22 and hello May

Week 20: Spent a lot of time this week playing catch up on my push ups, sit ups and kata. So, it was pretty busy week. Had to double up on everything... except the mileage. :) 


Week 21: This week rolled in the new month and it felt good. I was still doubling up on most of my exercises because I wanted a relaxing weekend. I think I relaxed too much. But getting back into the running felt good. I love cycling, but running is really where my heart lies. 


Week 22:…


Added by Chrissy Scott on May 21, 2011 at 2:09pm — No Comments

Week 19 and the Next Point of Focus

Week 19 was a GOOD one! Vacation!


Really tho, if it wasn't a vacation spent with family, I don't know if I could have handled being away from the dojo so long. I'm going on just about 3 weeks away. And I don't like it. The vacation was great, and I did okay atsticking to my workouts. However, after Friday, I did fall behind on my push ups, sit ups and kata.


It wasn't that the bike ride took too much out of me, it was more that I was really immersed in the…


Added by Chrissy Scott on April 20, 2011 at 1:57pm — 2 Comments

MS150 - Check!

Well.... I'm on vacation. I've been away from the dojo for a week. ONE WEEK of no classes, and I have to say... I miss my dojo! If my family wasn't the most awesome thing in the world, vacation would be seriously overrated. 


I have been keeping up with my push ups and sit ups. Clearly I'll be alright on my mileage today. My goal after the ride is to catch up on my journaling. 

Heading out now... Start the MS150 bike ride at 6:45am. Send some positive thoughts my…

Added by Chrissy Scott on April 15, 2011 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Karate-Do My Way of Life - Reading Discussion

My favorite chapter of this book was Recognizing True Karate (pg 91 - 95). Master Funakoshi starts out talking about martial artists and the tradition of breaking boards. He then explains how you can bring a person in and teach them karate for a few months and that person can break some boards too, and that means that "he has succeeded in strengthening his hands," but if he goes out looking for a fight "he has failed to understand the nature of karate." Master Funakoshi "always stressed the…


Added by Chrissy Scott on March 29, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Week 15 and Moving Right Along

This was a good week!


I had a bit of a lag in my pushups a couple weeks ago but am starting to catch back up. Stepped my mileage up a bit which is good. The weather is disappointing and I wish I could be getting some good rides in outside. I have to get the miles in somehow, so the stationary bike will have to do... Situps no problem. Doing a lot of breathing time because meditation is still a big struggle still.


It feels to have one kata learned. I'm so happy…


Added by Chrissy Scott on March 24, 2011 at 7:58am — 1 Comment

Week 12, 13 and 14....?

Are we that far along already? I'm keep counting the weeks on my spreadsheet and it just doens't feel that we're that far in. Then again, I'm having a bit of denial about it being almost half way thru March...


At any rate, week 12 is just too far back for me to rmember really. Suffice to say that according to my numbers and my notes, I had some push up panic this week which led to a 1200 week total. I started stepping up my cycling workouts a bit, too. Not doing more…


Added by Chrissy Scott on March 10, 2011 at 2:39pm — 2 Comments

Week 11 - Keep on Keepin' On...

So it's really getting to be routine. And that feels good. I'm seeing that the things I focus on are rotating. I'm not sure if they're just rotating or if I'm actually marking things off the list as I go. I hope it's the latter, but we'll wait and see.


At any rate, this week I'm focusing on balance. Basically, I've been really lucky in that I can fit 90% of my workout in on my lunch breaks. But... I have a bike ride coming up and I need to start focussing on my cycling. I…


Added by Chrissy Scott on February 27, 2011 at 8:34pm — 1 Comment

Week 10 - And some new goals

First and foremost I'm publicly stating my vow: From here on out... I will brush my teeth with my left hand. So, clearly I'm right handed. My right arm is way stronger and way more coordinated than my left arm. So I did some research and that's how I decided on the tooth brushing thing. It is a great way to increase strength and it's even better for coordination. And it kind of goes along with the UBBT thing, right. Small things that add up to big ones.


Keeping up with the…


Added by Chrissy Scott on February 16, 2011 at 8:41pm — 1 Comment

Week 8 and 9 and Hello February!

Time is going too quickly.


Week 8 and 9 are over. And today marks the end of the second month. That's 62 days in.

That's 9255 Push ups

9300 Sit ups

178 kata repetitions

173.4 miles of my journey

180 acts of kindness

1 book read


I'm a little bit behind on a few things and a little bit ahead on some others. Overall I feel like I'm staying on top of things. I feel pretty good about it all. Things are becoming part of the…


Added by Chrissy Scott on February 1, 2011 at 7:25pm — 3 Comments

Week 7 - Decisions, Decisions

Seven weeks done and we're just about two months in now. Feels good. 


Still feeling good about the physical demands of the UBBT and still struggling with the mental challenges. In a way it feels good to be confident. I thought it would take a bit longer to get comfortable with knowing that I have to do 150 push ups today. You know? 


Meditation is such a challenge for me. Is there a class I can take??? Haha. I have been trying to do a few minutes after my…


Added by Chrissy Scott on January 23, 2011 at 9:37am — 1 Comment

Week 6 and Some Serious Thought

Clearly this entry is a bit late, we are half way thru week 7 alreadly! That's okay...


I have something very specific to write about for this entry: Motivation.

I like how I feel more motivated as time goes. It's a different kind of motivated than I feel when I'm training for a race. It's a lot more calm. I've been thinking a lot about that difference lately.


I know my workout habits and thresholds fairly well. In the past when I picked a race to train…


Added by Chrissy Scott on January 17, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

MS 150, here we come!

Good Morning Martial Arts Family!

I'm writing with a different purpose this morning. Some of you have heard me mention that I'm doing a bike ride this April. Well, here's the scoop on what the bike ride really is:


I'm participating in the MS150. It's a 150  mile bike ride to raise money for MS (m…


Added by Chrissy Scott on January 9, 2011 at 10:00am — No Comments

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