Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

So here's the thing...

A few weeks ago after a class, Sensei sat down with me and handed me a folder of information and some potentially scary requirements. We talked through the contents of the folder. He asked if I had any questions. Then he looked at me, he smiled, and he said... "Any questions?"  

I had none. I just wanted to get started on that list.

But here's the thing I'm realizing: That list of requirements is the easy stuff. I  know it sounds a bit crazy, just go with me on this...

Right now it's a list of things to do. In about a year it will be a list of things that I've done. It will become a list that represents character. Which makes it a really cool list, but... Still just a list. 

And while the list is still a list, I... will hopefully be a Black Belt. But getting a black belt in our dojo is much more than checking off items from a list.

My head has been so full of thoughts about what this all means. I know that for me the mental and emotional part of this process is very consuming. And while I can't say, at this stage, what getting my black belt will mean to me. What I can say is that my journey to black belt is a really big deal to me and I take if very seriously and will approach it with a great deal of heart. 

And even though I can't really nail most of my feelings down with words and sentences, there are three things that I know for sure: 
  • Our dojo and my Sensei have given me a platform from which I can strive to be something more. I get to be part of a community with big ideas for positive impact and positive change.

    This motivates me.

  • I get to be a part of a movement that is revolutionizing what it means to be a Black Belt, redefining standards of character.

    This excites me.
  • I get to be one of the first students to take on this challenge under our Sensei.

    And that is an honor.

Now, I hope you're not bored yet because I want to take a minute to say how very glad I am to have such a supportive dojo family to be in this with me. And my friends, family, running and cycling buddies, thanks for embracing the mileage. Figuratively and literally. :) 

And to that end... I've added a link to the spreadsheet I'll be using to track my progress. So if you see me slacking, you better tell me to drop and give you 50 :)

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Comment by c horiuchi on November 20, 2013 at 12:15pm
Thank you for blogging your example of heart, self-discipline and focus. Francis and I are cheering you on! today and every day on your way. Good effort, good luck, gambatti.
Comment by Delores M. Snellings on November 20, 2013 at 12:06pm

Karate do, okay.  Karate not do, okay. Karate sometimes, squish like grape.  You karate do and be.

Comment by Mike Oliver on November 20, 2013 at 11:54am

Your post brought to mind Gichin Funakosh's first two precepts of karate--"Be deadly serious in your training" and "Train with heart and soul without worrying about theory." The way that you approach your test will paint a picture for students that follow, and you will in the process, help to shape their perception of what it means to both test for and to become a black-belt in Isshinryu Karate.

Comment by Emil Ramos on November 20, 2013 at 11:45am
We love you too.
Comment by Katrina Smalley on November 20, 2013 at 6:10am

We are all very proud of you, and excited to see your journey!

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