Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

All Journal Entries (393)

1st ubbt

Wow...what a group workout, I awoke to many sore muscles I didn't realize would have been sore, thanks Mr.Oliver for the group workout and the reminder to drink lots of water, I found that extremly helpful today.

Added by Adren Bradley on January 9, 2011 at 5:18pm — 6 Comments

MS 150, here we come!

Good Morning Martial Arts Family!

I'm writing with a different purpose this morning. Some of you have heard me mention that I'm doing a bike ride this April. Well, here's the scoop on what the bike ride really is:


I'm participating in the MS150. It's a 150  mile bike ride to raise money for MS (m…


Added by Chrissy Scott on January 9, 2011 at 10:00am — No Comments

UBBT First Group Class

Our first class together as UBBT Team 8 was something unique. It's satisfying to know I personally could complete the class... the sheer numbers! In the first half: 240 pushups, 240 situps, 480 wall kicks. The second half felt more like playtime: bear crawl, lunge kicks, flutter kicks, and more. I wondered at points if the exercise was beyond my hard limits, and pushed on to find myself at the very brink. We all survived the intensive workout in good health.

The intensity was a large… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on January 8, 2011 at 5:47pm — 1 Comment

UBBT on the road!

I'm writing this post from San Diego (rough!), and the first professional conference of my year.  A lot of my workday involves sitting at a computer.  At conferences though, we do a lot of running--back and forth down the convention center--as well as a lot of sitting, which is often on the floor in the back of the room by the power outlet (for the dying laptop).

This is also my first conference since starting karate, and in particular, starting UBBT. It's only one day in, but I've…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 7, 2011 at 7:02pm — 1 Comment

Week 5 and a Status Check

Week 5:

  • Brought in the new year (woo!)
  • Ended the first month and started the second
  • Achieved the rank of Shichi Kyu
  • Broke the 5000 mark on push-ups and sit-ups
  • Started learning my first kata!

That's one busy week.


Feeling pretty good about things but thankful that I spent some time on my tracking spreadsheet. Staring at that thing and color coding rows, cells,…


Added by Chrissy Scott on January 6, 2011 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

Week 5- Evidence of Change

Life has blessed me with the same doctor most of life. She knows me from when my four front teeth fell out in two days, when I played sports year round, when growth spurts started, and ended, when I entered high school, when I graduated high school and went to college. So the first visit back after the college hiatus was more like a chat with an old friend.

It was still a check up though. Blood pressure. Good.Pulse. Normal. Allergies? Same. Then the moment came when she stuck the… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on January 4, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

okay 2011...

The work outs have been on track, finally got a 4mile walk in yesterday and I'm hopeful for another walk tonight...gotta keep the motivation to walk in the rain! My acts of kindness are comming along quite well, I have 2 community projecs completed and have found my "living hero" whom I'm interviewing next week...wow what great accomplishments so far, here's to a great 2011-together-!

Added by Adren Bradley on January 3, 2011 at 4:53pm — 2 Comments

Project Idea: Book Drive

A firebomb at the Arden-Arcade branch damaged 1,000 books this morning! Let's get a book drive going and see what we can do. This would be a great project idea for any of our students.


Who's game for taking this one on?


News 10 Link: …


Added by Mike Oliver on January 3, 2011 at 2:30pm — 6 Comments

A Tofu Smoothie... Mmmm

Tofu Goodness Just For You

Just wanted to offer up another tofu recipe. This one will likely be more appealing... I mean, who doesn't love smoothies?!?!?! The thing with this recipe is that it hides the tofu really well because it calls for silken tofu. Silken tofu basically has the consistency of yogurt so it's a perfect swap.


6 ounces silken tofu

1 medium banana

2/3 cup soy milk (any milk works really,… Continue

Added by Chrissy Scott on January 2, 2011 at 8:57pm — 2 Comments

Zen Martial Arts - Year in Review

2010 was a great year for our dojo.  For those of you that have been with me for a long time, you've seen us grow from a very small school (2 or 3 of us at the Robertson Center) to some very full classes now at the Coloma Center. Here are some of the great things that we accomplished together in 2010. (And I have to tell you, you are getting famous in the community for all of the wonderful things that you are doing).



Added by Mike Oliver on January 2, 2011 at 12:19pm — 3 Comments

Happy New Year, Happy UBBT 8!

Here it is--the start of a new year! I'm doing something on this day I've never done before--reviewing UBBT numbers from December. Wow! 46,350 pushups to go....

We are saying goodbye to visiting family today, and also a good number of sugary holiday treats, some of which, I have to say, actually entered my body. I cleaned the pantry and refrigerator yesterday and had a wonderful breakfast of green tea and miso with tofu, onions and mushrooms.

I'm very glad I took time out… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 1, 2011 at 11:21am — 2 Comments

UBBT Praise Report

We've been training now for a month. We've all encountered struggles. Today it was all 13 months are already worth the struggle because I made orange juice! Silly sounding perhaps... Let me explain.

A family I watch was out of juice and the girls asked for the usual orange juice. There was a bag full of oranges for juicing. Their juicer is manual though. My whole life, my family has treated me as the weak one who wasn't strong enough to do it for herself. I usually wasn't strong… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on December 31, 2010 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Week 4- An Audience

It's normal in the dojo to do kata, practice our basics, even mount each other to practice a grappling self defense. I forget how these seem to other people...

My car wouldn't start Sunday. Thankful for AAA, I called for roadside assistance and had the usual hour long wait. What to do for an hour? Well, I hadn't practiced kata yet... the sidewalk was extra wide... time was plentiful... why not? So I did.

About 40 minutes in, a couple riding by on their bikes stopped to ask… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on December 30, 2010 at 12:46pm — 2 Comments

UBBT Week 4

Another week is gone. Chirstmas has come and gone. The new year is close behind. This next year proves to be a good one. So far I'm keeping apace with my running, pushups, crunches, squats, kata and kindness.

This new year should prove to be one of the greatest challenges of my life. I

am changing schools, starting at a real university (Finally!) and am continuing

to train apace with my runnning and workout. Though this challenge will be

great, I'm glad…


Added by Sid Pinkerton on December 30, 2010 at 4:28am — 3 Comments

UBBT Wk 3-4 Dips but no Dives

I had planned on posting this on Friday, and then Christmas happened. 

Successes the previous week included persisting with the routine during the darkest days of the year, and overcoming some deficits after a very social day with dinner guests. Adjustments to basics made during class have been incorporated to practice at home, and I feel my balance improving with the kicks that require it most.

I've been able to redirect, at least a little bit, the weasel mind, who likes…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 27, 2010 at 9:42am — 1 Comment

Week 4 And a Merry Christmas

Days away from the first month. Doesn't feel like it's been that long. Things are starting to feel like part of a routine, and don't feel so much like I have to make time for it. I think that's my biggest accomplishment so far. 


Now, I'm feeling like listing, I'm a lister:

  • I got a new gi for Christmas... karate is everywhere in my life. :) My partner was doing push-ups with me and exclaimed, "I don't want a black belt! I don't even like belts!" This made my day…

Added by Chrissy Scott on December 26, 2010 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Week 3 - Diligence, Teamwork and Kindness

This last week has been tough. Where to start!

Old injuries have been forcing creativity in the physical requirements. An unexpectedly busy week provided the perfect excuse AND reason to slack off. Between failing creativity and the unfriendly schedule, my miles, kata, push ups and sit ups have fallen behind, in that order. Something needs to be done. Though I'm not sure how yet...

An extra 50 sit ups and push ups a day will help. Longer sessions on the elliptical are… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on December 19, 2010 at 8:46pm — 4 Comments

An Invitation to RUN RUN RUN! ... or WALK WALK WALK!

The Relay CA, 2011

I'm trying to get a team together for The Relay.


Date: April 3oth - May 1st

Registration Deadline: March 1st

NOT competitive, just for FUN!


Here are the options:

Run: 199 mile relay from Calistoga to Santa Cruz. 12 team members, each person runs 3 legs that are from 3 - 9 miles with about 50 miles between each leg. The registration fee is $80 per…


Added by Chrissy Scott on December 19, 2010 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Week 3 - Am I Buff Yet?

No... not yet. But...

Definitely getting stronger. I say that for two reasons: My push-ups are getting easier, and, more importantly, 150 push-ups a day doesn't feel as scary. Still scary, just not as scary.


I had some rough days this week. Fighting off a cold by leaving work early for a nap so I'd have the energy for karate class :) I noticed though, that even if I felt a bit blah on my way to calss, I felt completely reenergized by the end of…


Added by Chrissy Scott on December 19, 2010 at 5:55pm — 2 Comments

Missing Sacramento Girl: Can you help?

I've contacted Brie's Father to see if there is anything that we can do to help. In the mean time, here's the alert.

Added by Mike Oliver on December 17, 2010 at 3:12pm — 4 Comments

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