Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate
Hi, I know I haven’t posted in so long, but the 1st has marked the end of my six months. I am happy but it’s not that exciting because I still have a lot of work to do. The reason why I didn’t post much is because I have been really busy. With karate? Nope. Well of course karate but also school, a week long field trip, and pathogens. I am proud to say I got to the top of the honor roll with a 4.0 (which is all A’s for people who haven’t gotten to middle school or high school yet) in all my classes, including my 3 advance classes. Sorry to all the kids who are now more pressured by their parents to get high grades because of me.
Speaking of school, I got away from school for a week for a field trip. We took a train to Yosemite and stayed in cabins with four beds so four people could stay together. My three friends and I stayed in a cabin together and it was pretty fun. We would also hangout at other cabins with other friends.
I also got sick on the best time of year, Christmas. I was sick for a week with a fever and cough. Ms. Scott had the same sickness. We’re just lucky like that. On New Year’s I finally got better and now I’m pleased to say I can start the New Year healthy. I am thrilled I didn’t get it on the 9th for I was too sick to stand up this week let alone spar for 30 minutes.
I also need to prepare for the test on the 9th. I need to practice history questions and memorize my back belt oath. My black belt oath… I don’t even remember reading that thing completely once, I would bet I don’t know a word of it. I guess I thought I always had more time. I really need to work hard since my winter break is slowly creeping to its end. Almost every teacher I have gave me a giant project to do over break and with being sick I barely have anything done. This is going to take a long time.
The good news is I am done with all my requirements except my kata. I got pretty behind for a while but managed to catch up on everything but my kata before I got sick. I thought I had two weeks to finish and now I have almost no time plus a ton of homework. I hope to see you next Friday night and hopefully you will read my final blog after the test. Maybe someday I might be the one reading your blog for your black belt test. That would be awesome. Thank you for all your likes, views, comments and support.
Hey, Emil. Phoenix is also following and enjoying your journey so far, as am I. Keep flowing.
Hang in there, Emil. You are a hard working young man, and I am confident you will find a way to complete all of your tasks on time. Thank you for being a good role model for the younger kids, and maybe some adults, too. Kyle does look up to you, and he is excited to watch you test on Friday. We wish you all the best, and good health!
Kind regards,
Mark, Kerry, Kyle and Marissa Finley
I'm very proud of you Emil. You have kept your grades up while undertaking the seemingly impossible task of being a black-belt candidate at our school. Other young people at our school are already looking up to you, and now they have even more reason to.
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