Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

All Journal Entries (393)

My body is saying hello to UBBT Week 3

This week's overarching theme is overcoming resistance from my lizard brain, which doesn't like to be uncomfortable, and taking the long view. It was hard to get up a few days this week--my body definitely wants to hibernate for the winter.  But, I'm enough of a data geek for the spreadsheet tracking to motivate me. I have to keep filling in those cells! The wake-up calls--crickets from my phone so as not to wake up David--has been effective most days.

There are some areas I need to…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 17, 2010 at 12:59pm — 3 Comments

week 3

My work out routine has been the easiest. I have been keeping on track! Except for the rain hindering my walking a bit. I have started 2 community projects and I wanted to thank Lisa Clark for her contribution of 31 articles of clothing for my "Christmas in your closet drive" my goal is 1,500 articles of clothing and I have so far accumilated 478 articles that have been donated to local communities as far as Florida. So if anyone else would like to contribute, just go thru your closets, kids… Continue

Added by Adren Bradley on December 14, 2010 at 12:11pm — 8 Comments

This is what I have done 1,750 push-ups 1,750 sit-ups 35 acts of kindness 15 miles of running or biking read two books 45 repetitions of my Kata weekly online journal entry's So far no quitting. …

This is what I have done

  • 1,750 push-ups
  • 1,750 sit-ups

  • 35 acts of kindness
  • 15 miles of running or biking

  • read two books
  • 45…

Added by Susan Bitar on December 14, 2010 at 10:39am — 2 Comments

UBBT - Week 2

2 weeks down, 50 or so to go!

So far so good. I'm keeping up with my lunch time workouts and I continue to be "motivated" (read taunted or teased) by my cell mates at work. The white board in my cubicle is a special little alert to my neighbor who apparently doesn't like odd numbers. Every now and then I have to do 10 push-ups or sit-ups just to make the white board full of even numbers. Ha.

I think I've started up a little running group at work, too. Have 4 or 5 people a day…


Added by Chrissy Scott on December 13, 2010 at 8:47pm — 1 Comment

UBBT Week 2

End of week 2, first full week. Well it hasn’t been so bad. I think it’s going rather well actually. So far I’ve kept up with the push-ups, crunches, squats and miles. I’m a little behind on my kata, but only by a pinch. I expect to be caught up this week. Finals are over. That was the hardest part of maintaining the schedule last week, trying to squeeze in running and exercise while also keeping up with my studying. It’s amazing to know that I’m actually keeping with the program. This is…


Added by Sid Pinkerton on December 13, 2010 at 12:02am — 1 Comment

UBBT Week 2 Focus

My mom has joked about my selective hearing tor years. I would be so consumed by a task that nothing else existed. Not her voice, dinner, the cat jumping onto the table, my cup spilling, nothing. This might be considered focused. But lately I'm learning a different type of focus.

In yoga, the instructor guides the class through 26 poses with dialogue and encouragement. Today's instructor is very detail oriented. She reminds us to direct our gaze, engage our abdominal muscles, relax… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on December 12, 2010 at 11:47pm — 2 Comments

UBBT Week 2

Lisa Spagnolo's journal mirrors my own thoughts. It was aptly titled "Repetition and the New Normal." My own life is restructuring. There is a new 'normal.' Its not just the UBBT requirements.

Financial ventures are new and more satisfying than before. I've wanted to nanny for a long time. Two families have recently presented the opportunity. Its developing deeper patience, greater understanding, inspiring laughter and meeting the bills. What could be…


Added by Lisa Clark on December 10, 2010 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Repetition and the New Normal

Over the course of my working life as a manager, I have occasionally heard the question "when are we getting back to normal?" The answer is usually "this is the new normal." Time passes, and whatever change that was met with resistance is often incorporated into routine--until the next changes come, and they come fast these days.

It goes without saying that I'm applying the "new normal" to the first couple weeks…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 10, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Black Belt Standards


Added by Mike Oliver on December 8, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Ins and Outs of Breathing

The Ins and Outs of Breathing

I received an e-mail from a student today asking about breathing.

Why do we breathe in through the…

Added by Mike Oliver on December 8, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

UBBT Day 7

Day 6 was hard. It made waking up today, Day 7, tough as well. Bodily aches and sore muscles are very satisfying though. Its like they're saying, "You survived yesterday's challenge. Get ready for today!" There was a lot to look forward to today.

I have started watching some very cute girls a couple days a week. They were the first chunk of the day. The family does not watch a lot of tv, and board games are a favorite activity. So on top of knocking out the 3 mile requirement walking… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on December 7, 2010 at 10:37pm — 1 Comment

A little bit of tofu in your life...

A couple weeks ago Mr. Oliver asked me to share some tofu recipes with the class. So, here comes recipe number 1.

Let me just say... A lot of people I talk to who dislike tofu say it's "a texture thing." Now, you can sneak the silken tofu into a smoothie and *poof* ... You just protein'd up your frozen strawberries. With the firm tofu, it's not so easy. So this recipe is kind of middle of the road... not silken, yogurt-like tofu, but not over-cooked and crunchy… Continue

Added by Chrissy Scott on December 7, 2010 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

UBBT Day 6

Sore. Achy. Grouchy. Sunday's everything hit like a ton of bricks but I pushed through to finish the daily requirements before class. Even a little prideful that I did 6 miles instead of 3. My knees are suffering for my pride... Then in class we did a third set of exercises. Yes. A third set. All but the last crunches were completed to add to my suffering pride.

My lesson for today is a very human one with a little back story.

For a long time, I really believed "fake it til… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on December 6, 2010 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

UBBT Letter of Intent

I realized I had been talking about my goals earlier but hadn’t yet posted my letter of intent. Here are my stated goals for the Ultimate Black Belt Test, some of which intersect well with some things that were already in mind. I have really appreciated how lessons at the dojo have contributed to a developing practice of discipline, which has seemed unattainable in certain areas of my life. Although still a white belt, I feel the UBBT represents a daily order for living that I… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 6, 2010 at 11:50am — 1 Comment

UBBT Day 5

Sunday. Not a day of rest this last weekend. My aunt is moving rather unexpectedly and the whole family is helping. The day's objective was to move the garage, storage shed, books, games, movies, other media and glass into storage. An early start and off we went to Escalon with muscles ready.

I was a bit concerned when we left. My plan to start the day with at least half my requirements accomplished did not pan out. I woke up feeling achy, coughing, throbbing shoulder and head. What… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on December 5, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments

UBBT: Week 1 (ish)

Week 1

So, it's not really been a week yet, but I'm a the Monday - Sunday week kinda' gal, so...

This week felt good. I'm able to get a lot in during my hour lunch break which is pretty lucky. I slip away from my desk right at 12 and am out the door for my run by 12:05. I get a 5k (3.2 miles) in and am in the company gym by about 12:35. Then I race through my crunchies in sets of 25, and struggle through as many push-ups as I have time for. Usually that's between 75…


Added by Chrissy Scott on December 5, 2010 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

UBBT Mission Statement

My Statement of Intent

Over the next 13 months I will:

  • Complete 50,000 push-ups and 50,000 sit-ups
  • Complete a 1,200 mile journey by swim/bike/run/walk
  • Complete 1,000 repetitions of my basics/kata
  • Complet 1,000 acts of kindness
  • Complete a community service project
  • Meditate for 15 minutes a day
  • Read 6 books
  • Complete 1 personal goal: 10k in less than 50 minutes

I look forward…


Added by Chrissy Scott on December 5, 2010 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

UBBT- Week 1

Well, its the end of week 1. It went by faster than I thought it would, of course it wasn't a full week so that might have added to it. I have decided that I don't completely hate running, or getting up early. It fills me with a sense of accomplishment when I get up early in the morning and go out and run. Like I'm starting off my day the right way. It will be nice when finals are done and I can try to find a more interesting place to run. At the moment im just running around my block, but…


Added by Sid Pinkerton on December 5, 2010 at 12:25am — 1 Comment

UBBT Day 4

This first week of any new adventure is very critical. It is the time to establish habits, discover challenges, and learn how to have fun on the new journey. That is why I decided to journal daily for the first 7 days. It is the freshest, most inspired time for reflection. Today's reflection is on hydration, or rather dehydration.

An unlimited month long pass at a hot yoga studio was an early Christmas gift from my mother, with a matching one in her stocking from Santa. It has been… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on December 5, 2010 at 12:15am — No Comments

UBBT Days 1-3

It is only a few days into our UBBT journey, and I can already see new habits forming, a new way of responding that my body and mind were not used to before. Each of the three days began with a 5:30 gym visit, more consistently than I have ever done this, especially as a confirmed nightowl.

And yet, each of the three days was different as far as the challenges that came along: a moderately busy workday with class in the evening--easily time for all of the physical requirements; an… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on December 3, 2010 at 11:34pm — 1 Comment

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