Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

All Journal Entries (393)

Balance, and Adjusting to Life's Turns (UBBT update)

Since my last post the training has been up and down, at turns inspired and motivated, then struggling to fit in with the other demands of life. Monday was a definite high, meeting at the dojo to prepare the baskets of socks for the "Sock the Homeless" project--well done, everyone! Heading down to the Loaves and Fishes "campus" and meeting the Mustard Seed staff was a great inspiration to keep things circulating ("things" = food, clothes, smiles...compassion and grace).

Work projects… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on February 18, 2011 at 5:38pm — 3 Comments

Week 10 - And some new goals

First and foremost I'm publicly stating my vow: From here on out... I will brush my teeth with my left hand. So, clearly I'm right handed. My right arm is way stronger and way more coordinated than my left arm. So I did some research and that's how I decided on the tooth brushing thing. It is a great way to increase strength and it's even better for coordination. And it kind of goes along with the UBBT thing, right. Small things that add up to big ones.


Keeping up with the…


Added by Chrissy Scott on February 16, 2011 at 8:41pm — 1 Comment

UBBT Week 10

The focus this week was on a book I recently finished. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. It described Siddhartha's life and the many paths he took. At one time a holy man, then a wandering nomad, next a business man, and finally a lowly oarsman. Each path revealed a different aspect of himself. Each was a different but equally true self. That's what impressed me most.

2010 was a topsy turvy kind of year for me. I rushed into an opportunity to move to Sacramento last April. College ended… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on February 14, 2011 at 10:33am — 1 Comment

UBBT Week 6

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I have been very busy. Between my continued martial arts training, doing my UBBT necessities weekly, going to school 5 days a week, trying to find a new place that I can afford that is closer to Sacramento I haven't had a lot of time. Add on top of that the fact that I have been sick for a week now and it is quite a load. These are not excuses, just reasons. 

Things have gotten easier in the UBBT front. At the beginning of this challenge I…


Added by Sid Pinkerton on February 11, 2011 at 11:26am — No Comments

Persevering on the (Reclaimed) Road (UBBT Update)

The most important UBBT requirement for me right now is "No Quitting," not that I'm thinking about doing that, but I'm seeing each day of activity as progress toward that requirement, however it takes shape.  Daily perseverance.

I'm exploring a couple of the more mental/attitudinal requirements in new ways--the meditation and the acts of kindness--and look forward to building greater consistency and attention (intention?) with these.  The highlight of my meditation from this past week… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on February 7, 2011 at 10:53am — 2 Comments

Karate Praise Report

In our classes, Mr. Oliver has occasionally mentioned foot awareness. We humans naturally protect our face when bugs, fists, or annoying siblings get too close. We don't naturally have the same awareness in our legs. That's where martial arts training comes in handy.

Today karate overcome nature.

A friend and I went shopping for Asian inspired fabrics for Ms. Bitar's green belt project. As we entered the store, Charlotte took her sun glasses off, started to fold them,… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on February 3, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

UBBT- Week 9 Perspective

As usual, I got stuck in my own rut. All it took was a friend's casual comment to snap me out of it.

Last Friday was a superproductive day in regards to my declutterization goals. Living room furniture was rearranged. More useful items found their way to the thrift store for a new home. Some went to the antique store this time. Laundry was completed. Storage is clean- organized even! A few more paper based projects are left, but the new furniture arrangement is already motivating me.… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on February 1, 2011 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Week 8 and 9 and Hello February!

Time is going too quickly.


Week 8 and 9 are over. And today marks the end of the second month. That's 62 days in.

That's 9255 Push ups

9300 Sit ups

178 kata repetitions

173.4 miles of my journey

180 acts of kindness

1 book read


I'm a little bit behind on a few things and a little bit ahead on some others. Overall I feel like I'm staying on top of things. I feel pretty good about it all. Things are becoming part of the…


Added by Chrissy Scott on February 1, 2011 at 7:25pm — 3 Comments

February is here!

Wow, it's hard to believe the first official month of UBBT is over.  I'm not sure if this went by fast or slow.  Either way, we're 1/12 to the finish!  This process has certainly made me mindful of what I need to do every day and I've learned that it's easier if I keep my schedule consistent day to day in order to make it through the list.


The next thing for me is to complete the weaving project for my green belt.  It's my first time using a loom; I was inspired by one…


Added by Susan Bitar on February 1, 2011 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Off the Road, but Missed the Ditch (UBBT update)

It seems I've veered off the UBBT road a little bit. Not irreparably so, as I'm regularly posting progress in all of the requirements, just shy of my daily goals, and a bit overtaken by other life activities, like work, which is bursting the boundaries of an 8-hour workday. With it being the end of a month, and a beginning of a new one, it's a great time to take stock of goals, so I find myself going back to my statement of intent to see what I really committed to, and re-upping.

I'm… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 31, 2011 at 5:43pm — No Comments

Awareness Observations

At the self defense class last Saturday, Mr. Oliver described the states of awareness. He also challenged us to play a game. When you are in public, look at the people are you. Are there any oblivious white? Any cause for an orange alert? Hopefully no red!

This morning I played the observation game at McKinley Park. Here are several observations...

An older lady was walking her older dog. She was steady in pace, alert with eyes up and a grouchy suspicious face. It was as… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on January 31, 2011 at 2:51pm — No Comments

UBBT Week 7 & 8

There is so much to reflect on in the last two weeks. The tournament was quite an experience. So was the class at the Joslin dojo. There was also my green belt project at Ride To Walk. All this seems hazy though. In the UBBT spirit is perseverance, here is the last two weeks assembled from loosely written reflections after the events and foggy memory.


The tournament was my second ever attended. The first was seven years ago in the bay area. Both felt overwhelming. Where do I…


Added by Lisa Clark on January 23, 2011 at 11:10pm — No Comments

Doing to Being

I'm especially excited about my cardio strides this past week.  Last Sunday, I had a short conversation with a friend of mine who is a regular long-distance runner.  Rather than having her share her experiences, and hearing them through a veil, I was able to ask her questions about my own walking/running, and how I should go about training to run more.    We were speaking from two points on the same continuum, not from completely different realms.  She suggested a good race distance--this may… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 23, 2011 at 8:34pm — No Comments

Week 7 - Decisions, Decisions

Seven weeks done and we're just about two months in now. Feels good. 


Still feeling good about the physical demands of the UBBT and still struggling with the mental challenges. In a way it feels good to be confident. I thought it would take a bit longer to get comfortable with knowing that I have to do 150 push ups today. You know? 


Meditation is such a challenge for me. Is there a class I can take??? Haha. I have been trying to do a few minutes after my…


Added by Chrissy Scott on January 23, 2011 at 9:37am — 1 Comment

Getting Started

So I know the majority (or all) have already begun their UBBT training. My beginning is...making the commitment. I have committed to joining, journaling, exercising, taking on a community project. I am excited to see my journey unfold throughout the year.

Added by Paige Dinh on January 21, 2011 at 9:05pm — No Comments

Get Well Soon....

Kaylee is on her path to putting in place her project for community service. Her vision is to create "Get Well" cards where she can distribute them out to hospitals and doctors’ offices. Her cards would be available to be handed out to anyone who needs; some kind words, words of hope, a picture, a child’s thought, a Prayer. That card that lets them know someone is thinking of them.


This gesture is anonymous. It is given at a time when an act of kindness is in…


Added by Paige Dinh on January 21, 2011 at 8:47pm — 2 Comments

Open Tournament, Open Mind

On Saturday I competed in a Northern California GSKA Tournament. As someone that trains in traditional karate I've often shied away from open tournaments. I've had bad experiences in the past--everything from bad sportsmanship to questionable judging. This year however I've made it a goal to compete at 10 events and decided that I'm going to go in without old negative thoughts. Also competing along side me was one of my junior 11-year old…


Added by Mike Oliver on January 20, 2011 at 10:38am — 8 Comments

Week 6 and Some Serious Thought

Clearly this entry is a bit late, we are half way thru week 7 alreadly! That's okay...


I have something very specific to write about for this entry: Motivation.

I like how I feel more motivated as time goes. It's a different kind of motivated than I feel when I'm training for a race. It's a lot more calm. I've been thinking a lot about that difference lately.


I know my workout habits and thresholds fairly well. In the past when I picked a race to train…


Added by Chrissy Scott on January 17, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Better and Better: UBBT Progress

At the end of this week I’m reflecting on and savoring some minor accomplishments, and getting ready for new challenges. I’m proud of what I accomplished for UBBT during the work conference, not as much as during a normal schedule, but much more than I would have ever imagined in those circumstances:  7.55 miles ; 460 crunches and modified pushups; 6 repetitions of basics; 7 acts of kindness (this was really hard because there’s so much self-management). Meditation time was also difficult to…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on January 14, 2011 at 5:03pm — 1 Comment

UBBT Team Workout #1

Saturday, before our dojo kotohajime cleaning, those of us involved with the Ultimate Black Belt Test got together for our first team workout. As the leader of the team and of this particular workout, I knew that I would be expected to bring on a decent challenge. Never one to disappoint, we laid it on thick.


Each us did the following:

  • Ran 1 mile
  • 480 Kicks
  • 240 Push-ups
  • 240 Sit-ups
  • And about 10 minutes of…

Added by Mike Oliver on January 12, 2011 at 12:09pm — 1 Comment

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