Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate
A firebomb at the Arden-Arcade branch damaged 1,000 books this morning! Let's get a book drive going and see what we can do. This would be a great project idea for any of our students.
Who's game for taking this one on?
News 10 Link:
Book Drive Outline
Outline: Jane is a 10-year-old white belt. Her project is to collect 100 books for a local library. If she can get 30 of her friends and classmates to donate about 3 books each, she will easily reach her goal. Jane and her mother will design their own log listing how many donations she received that she can share with her classmates and friends. She will use her mom's camera phone to video tape the collections as they are brought in and get a video of her dropping them off at the library.
Here’s a letter from me that Jane is going to give to her teacher and friends:
Jane Smith is getting ready to test for her green belt in karate at my martial arts school, Zen Martial Arts.
As a part of her test, Jane was required to pick a project that would be beneficial to something or someone in our community.
After hearing about the firebomb that went off at the local library and the books that were damaged, Jane chose to doa book drive. She has committed herself to bringing in over 100 books to the library by her belt test day next month. Jane’s project is not to donate all of the books herself, but to practice leadership skills in a way that inspires all of her friends and/or classmates to donate them.
If you have any questions about this program--or if you would like to participate yourself, please contact me. While Jane has declared that she’s going to achieve her goal of 100 books, I have committed our school this year to the achievement of 50 complete projects that bring benefit to our community.
Mike Oliver
After Jane finishes her project, she posts this journal entry here on our Digital Dojo:
Post Title: 100 Books Project
I decided to do the 100 Library Books project for my Green-belt test because I heard that 1000's of books were damaged in a firebomb. I thought it would be really fun, except that the 100 books seemed like a lot to collect. My mom and I designed a simple letter and I gave them to about 30 people. We also posted it on facebook and e-mailed all of my family. My plan was that if every donated just a couple of books, I would reach 100.
I am happy to report that we got more than 200 books for the library!!!
I learned that if enough people pitch in just a little, you can do something great.
Jane also gives the video clips to her karate teacher so that they can edit them together to share with her friends and family.
An update on this thread: per SPL, their insurance is covering the titles that were damaged in this incident. I am following up to see if there are other library replacement or collection needs we could fill with a project.
© 2025 Created by Mike Oliver.
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