My name is Jonathan Schultz, I am 36 years old, I live in Sacramento and make my living as an IT professional. Last year my wife and I got married, and a close friend of ours lost his home and came to live with us. The added stresses of a room-mate and a wedding to plan dramatically demonstrated my need for a more balanced lifestyle that included an appropriate share of exercise.
I have always preferred solo sports to team sports, choosing bicycling, golf, and swimming over baseball, soccer, and football. I am also very unmotivated to exercise unless my mind is engaged while I am training my body. Add to the above my many-year interest in Buddhism and Taoism, and martial arts had long been something that I was interested in, but had never quite been motivated to actually engage and try.
In the end, my now-wife-then-fiance urged me to find an activity to do outside the house, on my own that involved exercise. I searched around looking mostly for Tai Chi classes, as my karmic concerns steered me away from more 'combat'-centric martial arts. Unsatisfied with my findings, I sent an email message to Mr. Oliver after looking over his web-site. He called me back and we had a brief conversation during which I got the impression that Mr. Oliver was a concerned teacher. He offered me a free lesson that I huffed and puffed through, and after it was over he asked if I was interested in joining the school.
At the time I remember being drenched in sweat, as is often the case after a class, and being a little wobbly in my knees. I still had butterflies in my stomach from being nervous about the new experience, however, and was still well outside my comfort zone. I had just done more physical activity in the previous hour than I had done in the months leading up to it; and yet, the other members of the class were undeniably friendly, and the feeling of having met and overcome a challenge was intoxicating. I was hooked, and I told Mr. Oliver then that I was interested, and to expect me the next week.
I have been attending classes as regularly as I can manage since then. I am really enjoying learning kata and the benefits of being more physically fit.