Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

Days away from the first month. Doesn't feel like it's been that long. Things are starting to feel like part of a routine, and don't feel so much like I have to make time for it. I think that's my biggest accomplishment so far. 


Now, I'm feeling like listing, I'm a lister:

  • I got a new gi for Christmas... karate is everywhere in my life. :) My partner was doing push-ups with me and exclaimed, "I don't want a black belt! I don't even like belts!" This made my day because it's the second time she's said it, but she's still doing the push-ups!
  • The kids want to know what I learn in karate class if I don't know a kata yet... nice.
  • The book I'm reading on meditation, not really my favorite book, but I have to admit, I think I'm getting a lot out of it.
  • I opened my eyes after my 15-minute quiet time/meditation and my dog was staring at me with a squeaky duck toy in his mouth. I had no idea he was there and I have no idea how long he was staring at me. And soon as I looked at him, he chomped down on the squeaker. His patience is sometimes much better than mine. 
  • I'm convinced that my coworkers are going to be jealous of my bright pink pilates bands that I plan to use while I sit at my desk on conference calls.



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Comment by Mike Oliver on January 2, 2011 at 11:13am
I like this. The martial arts may not change what you do in your life. You'll still go to work, eat your dinners, and participate in hobbies--but if you let it, the martial arts will change HOW you do and experience these things.
Comment by Shirley (Jack & Ella's Mom) on December 30, 2010 at 4:28am
Love the list!  Congrats on integrating your practice so it feels like part of your normal routine.  What an awesome dog you have!

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