Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

10 Acts of Kindness

  1. Help my dad move his office
  2. Helping make dinner, and set the table
  3. Helping my sister drop off lunches at the mustard seed school
  4. Respecting people in the dojo and outside of it
  5. Doing the dishes
  6. Helping my friends when they need help with homework
  7. Help the environment by recycling
  8. Helping set up for Holiday Parties
  9. Helping my family if they get sick by making sure they eat the right things
  10. Helping other students with basics or kata

Views: 59


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Comment by Lisa Clark on July 14, 2010 at 11:41am
I especially like #9. Just reading it makes me want to rethink my lunch plans for a more nutritious option. Thanks for setting a good example, and thanks for sharing it on our digital dojo!
Comment by Mike Oliver on July 13, 2010 at 10:41pm
Way to go sir!

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