Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

March 2011 Journal Entries (14)

The importance of stretching...

In finally getting down my kicking routine and on kick #6, I injury myself due to not focusing enough on stretching!

The importance of stretching, as it sometimes takes a set back or injury, to realize how important this is, I pulled my groin muscle-stretching will be my new best friend.

New focus besides learning what to do; upper body and streching routine!

Added by Adren Bradley on March 30, 2011 at 4:51pm — 1 Comment


Where to start, at the beginning I guess.

In finding karate into my life has given me confidance within my self, my job.

I have found a new out look on my life, compassion for others, acts of kindness has been a profound feeling

for me-something I know I will not let go of now that I have experienced it on a new level.

The structure I have allways had has becom more defind with karate within me.

The new found friendships with the team has given me a wonderful… Continue

Added by Adren Bradley on March 30, 2011 at 12:59pm — No Comments

Karate-Do My Way of Life - Reading Discussion

My favorite chapter of this book was Recognizing True Karate (pg 91 - 95). Master Funakoshi starts out talking about martial artists and the tradition of breaking boards. He then explains how you can bring a person in and teach them karate for a few months and that person can break some boards too, and that means that "he has succeeded in strengthening his hands," but if he goes out looking for a fight "he has failed to understand the nature of karate." Master Funakoshi "always stressed the…


Added by Chrissy Scott on March 29, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

UBBT Week 14 - Book List

A few people have asked me what books I'm reading, or planning to read. Here is my list in the random order they happen to be stacked in...


Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

High Maintenance Relationships: How to Handle Impossible People by Les Parrott III, Ph.D.

The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal…


Added by Lisa Clark on March 24, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Week 15 and Moving Right Along

This was a good week!


I had a bit of a lag in my pushups a couple weeks ago but am starting to catch back up. Stepped my mileage up a bit which is good. The weather is disappointing and I wish I could be getting some good rides in outside. I have to get the miles in somehow, so the stationary bike will have to do... Situps no problem. Doing a lot of breathing time because meditation is still a big struggle still.


It feels to have one kata learned. I'm so happy…


Added by Chrissy Scott on March 24, 2011 at 7:58am — 1 Comment

sewing patches on your Gi...

My next focus of an act of kindness;
I am offering to sew on your patches onto your Gi, just bring in your patch and Gi on Tue or Thursday.
If needed you can give them to Mr. Oliver and he will pass them to me.
Note: each patch will take 1 day to sew on, please allow proper time.
Looking forward to helping all out, thanks


Added by Adren Bradley on March 22, 2011 at 10:57pm — No Comments

week 14-15

If am finding my routine is becomming easier, as long as I stay focused. I am feeling much empowerment with what I am feeding my body, doing my basics and working on my UBBT system-which to up date, I feel they are comming along quite well. Including getting my walks in, anywhere I can!

I have come up with another community project which will entail helpiing our adults to get there patches onto their Gi's, mind you all your first shouldbe hand sewn by you personally.

With… Continue

Added by Adren Bradley on March 22, 2011 at 10:26pm — No Comments

The Empty Hand in Action (UBBT update)

There's been so much going on lately to take away from UBBT focus. The biggest effort has been to not lose the thread--to keep up with as many of the requirements as possible each day and maintain connection.  My favorite moment on the journey since the last time I posted was this past Saturday. The stormy weather wasn't exactly inviting, but I managed to convince myself to take the bike out during what appeared to be a lull.  My usual route is down M Street--there was major wind tunnel that… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on March 22, 2011 at 8:40pm — No Comments

Japan Earthquake Relief Fund

In affiliation with The Red Cross, PerfectMIND and ChampionsWay have started a relief fund to aid the victims of this unfortunate disaster. We will accept donations of any size from martial artists and martial arts business owners.



All monies raised will be sent to The Red Cross to provide relief for those in need. Please follow the link…


Added by Mike Oliver on March 14, 2011 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Alabama House Build

On April 6th, I will be flying out to Alabama as part of our mission to take our martial arts "out of the dojo and into the world." I'm going out there with fellow members of this years "Ultimate Black Belt Test" and together we are going to team up and build a house in rural America for someone in need. Ms. Georgia of Greensboro, Alabama will have a clean, warm, safe place to live because of the charity and compassion of the international martial arts community.



Added by Mike Oliver on March 14, 2011 at 1:43pm — No Comments

Week 13 - New News

Many new things have happened lately...

A new job with lots of new responsibility, opportunity and lingo. The first time competiting in a any competition. A new season of allergies. New motivations for UBBT. New, better smelling laundry soap. A new layout for my eliving space. A new purse inspiring organization. Some new clothes that fit a new weight and size. A new gi soon.

Why does any of this warrant a journal? In the UBBT spirit, I wanted this journal to celebrate the… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on March 13, 2011 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Basic Basics, and, oh right, those other goals (UBBT update)

[Drafts in process have been floating about...time to post it and move on... :) ]

Over the past couple of weeks what has loomed large is the most basic of basics: the importance of good sleep. We've been dealing with some sleep issues in our family--it hasn't just affected one of us. This disruption had the consequence of getting the whole routine out of whack, including for me regularly accomplishing UBBT numbers.  Every day included some of the requirements, just not all of them, and… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on March 13, 2011 at 2:34pm — 1 Comment

Week 12, 13 and 14....?

Are we that far along already? I'm keep counting the weeks on my spreadsheet and it just doens't feel that we're that far in. Then again, I'm having a bit of denial about it being almost half way thru March...


At any rate, week 12 is just too far back for me to rmember really. Suffice to say that according to my numbers and my notes, I had some push up panic this week which led to a 1200 week total. I started stepping up my cycling workouts a bit, too. Not doing more…


Added by Chrissy Scott on March 10, 2011 at 2:39pm — 2 Comments

New Month, New Day (UBBT Update)

I had high hopes for February that didn't pan out as expected, so I'm really glad it's a new month.  Just looking at numbers, I'm pretty amazed at the accomplishment so far--more than I have ever done over the course of a winter, when I usually hibernate. Each day has new challenges and new inspirations. For example, yesterday I was clobbered by a migraine, but today I was encouraged by coming out of the gym at 6:30m and seeing how light it was. My legs are feeling stronger on the cycle…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on March 1, 2011 at 9:28pm — 1 Comment

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