Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

Another week down. Team Getty ran our first 1/2 marathon of the year this past Saturday. It was the hardest race I've ever done. Ever. It was in Pacifica, a trail run, 3100 feet of climbing... I hurt. I've been consistent with my workouts, like, for years, and especially these last two weeks. So, I shouldn't be sore, right? But I am, I'm that kind off sore where I'm walking funny and flinching when my dog jumps on my lap. 
Basically what that tells me is that even if I'm training hard, I can train harder. And at the same time I have to pace myself. So...
I'm gonna increase my little weekday trainer rides from 6 to 8 miles. I'm also determined to do 10 squats a day. Just 10, nothing that I'll keep track of or anything, but I've got to work on my muscular endurance and my burst strength. To go with that I want to start focusing on angling more when I'm sparring. I have too much forward and backward movement. I need to angle more, especially defensively. I really feel like my sparring needs something more. 
I'm enjoying the attention to detail that kata brings. I like feeling that I'm improving the details. Kata has always been more my thing than sparring. I like the element of kata that allows for continual improvement. 

Still need to get on the reading thing. Have plans to conquer my scuba fear next month. Almost to the 2 month mark and that feels like a mini-milestone. Feeling good about things. 

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Comment by Delores M. Snellings on January 23, 2014 at 3:14pm

A joy to be with you vicariously at least if not in person.  Carry on xoxo

Comment by Chris Hadlock on January 23, 2014 at 9:30am

SCUBA! Now that sounds amazing! I can't wait to see your Black Belt Test portfolio documneting this amazing journey.

As for reading: "The average person in jail reads at a 3rd grade level." Your simple act of reading sets an example not only to the kids at your dojo, but every child in your circle of influence. You don't have to want to do it, you just have to do it (and there's a good reason for it ;).

Comment by Katrina Smalley on January 22, 2014 at 7:08pm

We are so proud of you and are really enjoying reading about your adventures (though we miss seeing you in the dojo)!  You are really an inspiration and honestly I am feeling more motivated to get out and "train harder" myself. :)

Comment by Mike Oliver on January 22, 2014 at 11:57am
Id like to see you work your Jodan hand attacks more. As we compete (in both kata and kumite), it's easy to let our karate revolve around the rules of competition. We don't want bad habits to develop--like dropping our hands and moving straight in.

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