The last week was the hardest yet. Sick in bed makes it hard to do any of the UBBT exercises, acts of kindness, or other requirements. Fever made reading impossible so I didn't even start my next book as planned. Arg.
Lisa Spangolo's post about not giving up was very inspiring. I reread it a couple times to remind myself of the primary UBBT requirement: don't give up. The long term view helps me stay focused in times like these. It doesn't make it easy though. Tonight's class for example.
Nervous and feeling weak, the first class back is appropriately not full steam. Overdoing it just delays training further and I've been missing the dojo for a week already! Providence provided the perfect first class back. Easy on my weaker points, just enough exercise to be a challenge, and even a UBBT guest sharing his experience. Master Garcia's reflex exercise was odd... seemingly contrary to Isshinryu angles. Strange to move into close range from the back foot. It was new, and thought provoking.
A great start to a healthy week. And two more classes yet to enjoy. Wahoo.
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