Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

The Fitness "First Step", and Finding a Baseline

Regular fitness efforts have been particularly challenging for me,
most especially as an adult and parent with a lot of responsibilities
as well as a history of sedentary ways. The recent classes and Mr.
Oliver's black-belt test journey have given me inspiration to get back in gear
once again (the week of "squats of doom" was the first signal).

Since starting at the dojo in September, I have noticed increased strength in
my modified push-ups, which is great, and gives me a glimpse of a
future "me" who can better sustain the traditional push-up.
Outside of class, I have been "experimenting" to find a baseline of what
is achievable for push-ups and sit-ups. On the best of days, this
seems to be 60 of each. From early last week the trend has been loosely
every other day, so the goal of consistency is readily apparent.

With the end of furloughs comes the reinstatement of the gym membership,
just in time for fall and winter weather, and also an opportunity to
assess this same "baseline" for cardio fitness. The big key for me here
is to get this in before any other claims on my time-- during the week I
have found this to mean getting up and out of the house between
5-5:30am. The summer "baseline" was 1.5 miles of walking/running,
again, not on a consistent daily basis. I look forward to picking this
up both in frequency and intensity in the comfort of the gym.

I am also looking forward to: 1) seeing what living out the other black
belt test requirements means from my fitness and belt levels, and 2)
being able to share the steps of the journey--accountability and
encouragement are always good!

The best place to begin is at the beginning, even if it's beginning again.

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Comment by Chrissy Scott on November 22, 2010 at 5:04pm
I'm taking this lesson from Lisa. You encourage me, Lisa. Thank you for that.
Comment by Mike Oliver on November 17, 2010 at 1:09pm
After chatting with you about your goals, I can wait to see them come to fruition. If you have the self-discipline to work on them everyday, then I have no doubts that you will meet and exceed what you have set yourself. Welcome aboard Lisa!
Comment by Lisa Clark on November 13, 2010 at 6:26am
There's a similar saying in Isshinryu. "It all starts with ichi." It sounds like you're right on track.
I can relate. Sedentary lifestyle and lack of accountability have been my major hurdles for me as well. I look at the upcoming black belt challenge is my ichi, my new beginning. I look forward to working on our goals together in the dojo.

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