Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

A while back, Mr. Oliver challenged us to keep our mushin in circumstances we normally lose it. I have long been of the opinion that commuting is not for me. I just don't like driving. There are any number of ligitmate and ridiculously silly reasons... pollution, car accidents, road rage, discourtesy, the shining blindness off of silver cars, ... You get my meaning.

Well, recently I moved and my commute tripled. In the mushin spirit, I tried to think of this as a challenge to practice keeping mushin. It was a challenge. It is still a challenge. It has also taught me a few great lessons.

First, I like hip hop. Hip hop wasn't a dislike or a like. Never really thought about it before. Well, 107.9 plays some crossover songs but mostly they are on when other stations go to commercials. I tried it out. Then played it again. Wouldn't you know it? I didn't change the station near as much as when "I didn't listen" to the hip hop, rap, R&B influenced songs. Turns out I like. Thanks mushin for expanding my music library.

Second, my mom was right. I was wrong. The car really does get better gas mileage at 65 mph. The even better effect of driving 65 is my attitude. Keeping my mushin cool was easier when I stopped trying to get where I was going fast and started plugging along in the slower lanes. Its a much nicer to be a relaxed turtle than a stressed out hare.

Third, mushin is hard! When someone cuts me off, I immediately have not-so-nice words for them. Mushin though would misdirect those frustrations. A silly world block could be "Oh you again, Ms. Having My Baby In The Car and Gotta Get to the Hospital Fast!" I'm careful not to think the name agrily or I stay angry. I also try to smile or laugh. For me, even a fake laugh eases a little tension.

Fourth, the sky is different every day. Yes we all learned this in grammar school science, but I only just realized how incredible that is. The clouds will never be the same as they are at this very moment. And how beautiful they are right now! Nature really is a wonderful sight to behold.

I have lots of observations about how much I now enjoy commuting. Mushin was the catalyst though. Without Mr. Oliver's mushin challenge, I may never have changed my old negative thinking into a thoroughly enjoyable daily experience.

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Comment by Shirley (Jack & Ella's Mom) on July 2, 2010 at 9:18am
What a great experience! Thanks for sharing.

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