Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

Lately, I've been meeting a lot of new people at work. Word got out that I 'do karate' so people have been asking about it. They start with 1 of 2 questions: What belt are you? Or You could probably kick my butt huh?

These 2 questions have made me appreciate our dojo so very much.

Mr. Oliver doesn't focus on belts. He emphasizes character, technique and practical application. Zen Martial Arts is not ranks, trophies, or where we stand when we line up. We're not Cobra Ki after all. The martial art we train in is personal development. And personal development takes a lifetime!

Now I'm sure over time our Little Dragons will learn to kick butt. They will also have learned verbal judo to help diffuse the situation before they ever need to use a block or throw a punch.

So while I am a VERY proud orange belt, I would rather not find out if I can kick anyone's butt. My focus is learning to gracefully rise from seiza. That's a big enough challenge thank you!

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Comment by Shirley (Jack & Ella's Mom) on November 5, 2010 at 11:01am
I totally agree!

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