Week 5: TOTAL COUNT = 211
- Javier received two checks in the mail this week. He was so excited. He got money from his Auntie Alicia and his Aunti Kirsti. Thanks to bothfor your generous donations and for supporting Javier.
- We took another trip to the bank to cash the checks. Then with the money in-hand we went to Raley’s to buy some food. Javier had fun picking out macaroni and cheese, crackers, cereal, canned goods, pasta and spaghetti sauce.
- When we got home, he counted all the food. We purchased 23 items. Way to go Javier.
- We went to karate class on Friday and counted all the food. We discovered 13 new items in the box!!
- After adding in the new items from week 5, the grand total collected is 211. This is the final count (unless we get some last minute stragglers in the box at class-we haven't picked it up yet)
- We had to re-organize our boxes. Javier separated all the food and put like items together. Then we got a tall box to hold all the boxed foods, mostly cereal and crackers.
- Next steps: finish documenting the project in the official project guide, call the Children’s Home to schedule a day and time to drop off the food, pick up the box of food from karate class, deliver the items to the Children's Home.
- See pictures below from this week’s grocery shopping trip.
Javier and the food he picked out at Raley’s
Javier is ready to pay. We went through self-check so he put money in the machine.
We brought it home, time to count it
This box is full of cereal and crackers
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