Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

All Journal Entries (393)

Savor: Week One

Our collective work on the book Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life starts today. (It's not too late to start btw, the ebook version is only $1.99) This week, read Chapter One: Ending Your Struggle with Weight. This is a substantial chapter that introduces some of the core concepts that will be expanded upon by Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung as we progress.

No more…


Added by Mike Oliver on January 2, 2012 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Savor: Mindful Eating 8-Week Outline

This is our outline for eight weeks of reading and practice of the book Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life. We will be reading one chapter per week. I've also broken up segments of dietary advice as well the moving and meditation practices into the 8-weeks. The goal being that by the end of that 8-weeks we will have made considerable inroads into being more mindful with our diet, and…


Added by Mike Oliver on December 27, 2011 at 2:23pm — 3 Comments

Opening Up the Outdoors - Green Belt Project

Getting kids and families having fun outside is important for many reasons. To name a few, exploring the outdoors leads to a greater appreciation for nature and natural beauty, enhances observation skills, increases environmental awareness, provides a venue for exploration, and teaches hands-on ecology and biology.


In order to help kids and families make the most of the outdoors, I am collecting fun and safe places to explore as part of my green belt project.  I am posting…


Added by Dave Samuel on December 18, 2011 at 6:02pm — No Comments

Mindful Eating Group

A handful of my adult students and a few parents of our little ones were intrigued when I mentioned a book on diet and mindfulness recently. Some of you even liked the idea of reading it together and sharing our notes and thoughts online--a good old fashioned book club. So here is our official announcement for the…


Added by Mike Oliver on December 13, 2011 at 11:24pm — No Comments

Self Defense Tip: Stay out of Code White

One of the key principles of effective self-defense is to learn awareness. In our classes I have recently been talking about the color code system that we use to denote where we are in our internal and external awareness.

The bottom level of this color code is CODE WHITE.   This signifies someone who is completely unaware of what’s going on around them.  They are switched off and distracted.  This is exactly what a potential predator is looking for when they are looking for a…


Added by Mike Oliver on November 9, 2011 at 10:17pm — No Comments

Random Acts of Kindness

These are some random acts of kindness I documented as part of a homework assignment.

  1. I helped a copier technician load a machine into his truck when I saw he did not have a hand truck.
  2. I brought paperwork down to our office secretary so that she did not have to walk the production floor.
  3. I discussed classwork and gave study advice to a university student that was struggling with a class.
  4. I opened a security gate for a co-worker when I saw that he…

Added by Shaun Loker on October 20, 2011 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Karate Kids Collect Canned Food for Halloween




Mike Oliver, Lead Instructor/Owner


Zen Martial Arts (ZenMartial.com)



Zen Martial Arts Kids Ask for Treats and Canned Food on Halloween


Local martial artists and the…


Added by Susan Bitar on September 27, 2011 at 8:57pm — No Comments







Tuesday, Oct 4th starting with the Little Dragons class we will meet the Sanchez family.


"Living life one day at a time as a family of…


Added by Paige Dinh on September 26, 2011 at 11:24pm — No Comments

Partner vs. Opponent

So I understand the concept of partner vs. opponent. I really do, but even understanding it doesn't mean I apply it ever time I should. Room for growth, right? I'm good with that, I embrace it even.

So, examples of when I acted like an opponent when I should have acted like a partner:

At work - Sometims, in my position, I'm asked to do things that are not exactly part of my job description. And sometimes, when I have a lot on my plate, or when I'm just in a bad mood, I ...… Continue

Added by Chrissy Scott on September 5, 2011 at 7:14pm — No Comments

Weeks 37 - 38 Here comes September

September is right around the corner and for some reason that feels like "almost there" is getting really close. The end of August makes 9 months of 150 push ups a day, 150 crunches a day, 3 katas a day, logging stuff, thinking about projects and doing some projects... etc. 9 months worth of daily repetitions, daily consciousness. I feel like I should wear a bracelet that says WWBBD (What Would a Black Belt Do). Ha. So, basically, a lot has gone into the last 9 months. A whole lot. Last…


Added by Chrissy Scott on August 28, 2011 at 3:09pm — No Comments

Dojo Visit

For the last two weeks, dad and I were in Florida helping my brother move in to his new home. There was lots to do! Three of the four major projects were finished with headway on the fourth. It was also a great vacation. The highlight was visiting a local Shorin-Ryu dojo. Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do was the name. Renshi Geoffrey Gaudoin was kind enough to allow me to attend adult class.

The night arrives. Always show up early. Why? Stretching is good but watching the kids class was… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on August 25, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Week 34, 35 & 36 -Searchig for balance

I'm keeping up with my UBBT requirements well enough to not worry. I'm still struggling a bit to get more consistent with things tho. Better with kata (even catching up), ahead of schedule on push ups and sit ups. Still ahead on mileage but my cushion is detiorating a bit. Gott a make a push for miles this weekend. Still, comfortable with all those areas. Even got some volunteer time in this month with Getty Owl Foundation and working my way thru another book.

I'm assigning myself… Continue

Added by Chrissy Scott on August 23, 2011 at 7:56pm — 2 Comments

Keep on Movin'

Yes, I will admit the mantra for the past few weeks has been that Soul II Soul song.  Keep on movin, don't stop.  Life has thrown many challenges--all of the typical competing priorities of work, family, home & yard maintenance--and vacations!  My cycling has been especially consistent the past few weeks, probably the most since my regular early morning gym visits.  And, these rides have been late in the evening, refreshing after a long day. (some improved times here as well, but often… Continue

Added by Lisa Spagnolo on August 9, 2011 at 3:41pm — 2 Comments

Week 31 - 33 exercise doesn't have to be exercise.

If I go out on a bike ride I try to get at least 5 miles at a time. I can do a quick 5 - 7 mile loop on my shortened lunch breaks. When time isn't an issue, I go for closer to 10 miles. Now in the world of cycling, 10 miles is not very far at all. So, I try to do a really hard 10 mile, fast, solid pace. And it feels good to go out and ride those 10 miles.

But... a nice leisurely 20-miler feels even better (not to mention those extra miles help that UBBT number get closer). So,… Continue

Added by Chrissy Scott on August 8, 2011 at 9:46pm — No Comments

UBBT Update

Journal entries have slowed down because there hasn't been much to update. Numbers are pitifully behind. Life is tipsy turvy. And everything is just as it should be.

Character building has been the focus of June and July. The first two codes of bushido are on my mind of late. #1: Rectitude: To do the right thing. #2: Bravery: To have courage when faced with a challenge. These two principles have served as guides when mediating in the recent weeks. It was less about who was right and… Continue

Added by Lisa Clark on August 5, 2011 at 10:28am — No Comments

10 Random Acts of Kindness

  1. 07/26 Offered to change five gallon water jug for co-worker with a bad back.
  2. 07/27 Opened door for stranger at bank; his belt matched his shoes (more clay-brown than dark-brown).
  3. 07/27 Friend asked about singing lessons, so I directed her to vocal training DVD that I had found very helpful. I tracked down the first DVD of the series and lent it to her, encouraged her give it a try. She noted that the instructor on the DVD is easy on the eyes; I was glad she found it…

Added by Marcus Cortez on August 2, 2011 at 2:45pm — No Comments

KCRA 3 Coverage: Z is for Zen Martial Arts

Deirdre Fitzpatrick from KCRA 3 had the courage to step out onto the dojo floor with us recently. Read about her experience below.


Zen. So relaxing.

So not what I expected when I ended our 26 part Workouts A-Z series with a workout called Zen Martial Arts.

Zen Martial Arts is the cardiovascular…


Added by Mike Oliver on July 25, 2011 at 8:37am — 1 Comment

Week 29 & 30 - And what I think is the start of my most important lesson yet

Much the same to report. Keeping up with everything. Lately the efforts have come in ebbs and flows rather than consistency and routine. I'll take it for now. I need to grant myself that. We're going on 8 months now, and that's usually a long training season for me. Usually after 8 months (wish is usually September-ish) I've done all the events I chose for the year. I've talked about this before, how keeping something going for 12 months was going to be a challenge. I was right, but I'm good…


Added by Chrissy Scott on July 11, 2011 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Teen Black-Belt Facing Charges for Contest Attack

This is why compassion, kindness, and anger management are such important and oft discussed topics at our karate school.


San Jose police say a 16-year-old Florida boy is facing charges for assaulting an opponent after losing a martial arts tournament.

The San Jose Mercury News reports that the Miami Lakes black belt was booked on a felony assault charge after he bowed to his opponent, shook his hand and then kicked him in the…


Added by Mike Oliver on July 10, 2011 at 8:46am — 2 Comments

Finding my way back in --maybe a UBBT update?

It's been a while since I posted anything, and also a challenge to maintain UBBT requirements lately.  June was an incredibly busy work month, and the fallout continues into July.  As a ripple effect, daily requirements fell by the wayside, or were spottily done, and I'm not happy about that.  I need to get back to that consistency that I had in December and January, and remind myself that I know how to do that (it *was* all working, then, yeah?).


Nevertheless, there have…


Added by Lisa Spagnolo on July 7, 2011 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

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