Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

So, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about my karate journey. We talked about my test, the criteria, we talked about how I feel I'm doing. And then we talked about why it's important to me. And it made me realize that my journal posts feel... removed. So I'm going to do something different here and see how it feels...

The numbers are just the start, so you know where I am. Here they are:
Push-ups Sit-ups Kata Sparring Swin Bike Run Kindess Journal Video
Annual Totals:
0 164 215
Annual Targets: 50000 50000 1000 1000 2400 1000 52 12
Percent of Annual Targets Complete 18.90% 18.90% 18.30% 5.00% 15.81% 19.10% 15.38% 0.00%

I feel good about my numbers, but still feel very challenged lately. I've averaged about 5.5 miles a day for the last 70 days. Not too bad, right? Except that I was reminded this week just how different long distance cardio is from sparring cardio. In a lot of ways triathlon training is overlapping well with my black belt requirements. Still, there's nothing that trains you for sparring except for sparring.  But...starting in week 11 I will add 3 rounds of heavy bag work to the end of each trainer ride. That will help, I hope.

So, my numbers are, for the most part, right where they should be.  But here's the thing... The numbers are just a representation. Not of fitness, but of desire. Those numbers are my way of showing discipline, purpose, determination. The numbers show that by achieving small things each day a larger goal can be reached. And then that gets me thinking... Why? Why does a black belt matter? 

And I'm so glad for that conversation with my friend, because thinking about the "why" is what gets me really motivated. I've mentioned before, this "ah hah" moment I had in my martial arts training. The reason I love martial arts? Here it is... You must be kind. I played soccer growing up and achieved some pretty awesome stuff doing it. To be a good soccer player I had to have good ball control, strong fitness, tactical creativity, practice A LOT, etc.. But you can be a world class soccer player... and be just plain unkind.To be a true, a real martial artist, you HAVE to be a good person. Martial arts creates relationships between athleticism and community, between strength and compassion, between fierceness and kindness, that do not exist in any other sport. Real martial arts fosters true and constant growth. 

And THAT'S why I'm willing to do 150 darn push-ups a day! That's why I'm dreaming of cyclometers and new running shoes! That's why I'm logging ACTS OF KINDNESS! This test is my way of showing that I want to be THAT martial artist. The kind that trains in the martial and nurtures the art. I absolutely need to keep that in mind as I do this. That's the stuff that motivates me. 

I lost track for a while, of what those numbers are really for. I will try not to let that happen again. I am humbled by the ability the people in my life have to pick me up and point me in the right direction. Thank you.

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Comment by c horiuchi on February 14, 2014 at 4:44pm
Ms. Scott - Francis and I are reading this outside the dojo door. your writing moves our hearts and minds inside the dojo even when there is no class. that is an act of kindness, one more for your count. Francis is excited just imagining the day he sees you with your black belt. Mr. Oliver says in class that karate is 90 percent mental because you can't make your body do something your mind can't do. Like Tatsao Shimibuku's students asking wht they had to sit so much in class, he answered, How can I teach you to kick when you don't know how to sit? Your year of many repetitions of things you know how to do are the way to what you don't yet know, which is how to live with the black belt, I guess, though we hope to learn more second hand as you continue to post.
Comment by Kerry Finley (Kyle and Marissa) on February 10, 2014 at 11:42pm

Thank you for sharing this, Ms. Scott.  I love how you articulated how martial arts creates relationships between athleticism and community, between strength and compassion, between fierceness and kindness, and summarized so eloquently what is so appealing about martial arts to me.  I wish you all the best in your quest to be the best you can be! You CAN do this!

Comment by Mike Oliver on February 10, 2014 at 10:04pm

You will inevitably face the challenge of wanting to quit, of asking yourself what the point even is. Even though we know it's coming, there isn't much I can say accept to be ready for it as it's YOUR test. What gets you through it may different than what gets someone else through it. But when you find IT, you'll be able to do anything.

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