Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

In realizing that this year is almost half way through, I have recently noticed that I've been hiding in my own little world.  While the rest of the world has been busy moving forward, I have been caught in the daily routine of work, karate, and sleep.  My routine has caused me to neglect my social life in efforts to preserve what mental sanity I have left at the end of the day.  Although I have been successful at self-preservation, I have failed in maintaining any kind of social life. In doing so, I am losing my connections with the people around me.  I have done myself a disservice by forgetting that it's THOSE connections that enrich and define who I am. My brown belt challenge for myself is to not only reconnect, but make more meaningful connections, with my family and friends.

In order to do this, I have devised a fool-proof plan: I will simply just say "YES" more often to social events and stick to it. I will make an effort to call and catch up with at least one person a week that I haven't spoken to in a while. And I also plan to spend one evening every other weekend with a friend, making an effort to discover something new about these people that I've known for a long time. I will do all of this regardless of how busy I think I am or how tired I may feel. I will become -- the YES Woman!

By adopting this mindset, it will bring more balance to my life as a whole. And maybe bring back some people that have been a part of my life for a very long time. I'll keep you updated with my progress with this grand experiment.

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Comment by Lisa Clark on May 1, 2012 at 12:10pm
This is an unexpected but simply fantastic goal. We'll hold you to it!

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