Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

For my Tiny Tiger Black Belt Project I have decided to help to homeless youth in Sacramento by collecting donations for Wind Youth Services. Sadly, there is an incredibly large population of kids and teens without homes in Sacramento. The way I am putting my own spin on his project is pretty cool. A few weeks ago my dad and I decided to make our own light saber by painting a wooden dowel and putting on a cloth tape handle. It was really fun to play with and swing around. I started to call it a staff instead of a light saber because it reminded me of a Karate Bo.

I have decided to call it The STAFF of HOPE and will be making them and selling in exchange for a donation to Wind Youth Services. 

Let me know if you are interested in helping out. The Staff is available in red, green or purple and I am asking for a $10 donation. I have set a personal goal of raising $250.

To order a Staff of Hope you can e-mail my dad: brantley@glassagency.com


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Comment by Katrina Smalley on December 15, 2014 at 5:43pm

We just sent an order to your email for a green staff.  Ethan is super excited to help out!

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