Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

  1. 07/26 Offered to change five gallon water jug for co-worker with a bad back.
  2. 07/27 Opened door for stranger at bank; his belt matched his shoes (more clay-brown than dark-brown).
  3. 07/27 Friend asked about singing lessons, so I directed her to vocal training DVD that I had found very helpful. I tracked down the first DVD of the series and lent it to her, encouraged her give it a try. She noted that the instructor on the DVD is easy on the eyes; I was glad she found it helpful.
  4. 07/28 When leaving work, the elevator was crowded with other employees – some colleagues and some complete strangers, some in dire need of cologne. I was in front, near the door, and I made sure to allow all others to exit before myself.
  5. 07/28 Friend was short of money before pay day but really wanted to see a particular movie before it was pulled from theaters. I paid for both our tickets and insisted no payment in return. We ate homemade stir fry before arrival and, accordingly, did not purchase popcorn.
  6. 07/29 Called Grandmother to say “hola, te quiero muchisimo mi abuelita” (hello, I love you very much my sweet little Grandmother).
  7. 07/30 Pulled to side of one lane mountain road to let European sports car pass me and race onward, hugging every curve of the pavement as if super-glued to its yellow, double center stripes.
  8. 07/30 Friend pointed out the most creepy spider ever known to mankind and noted that it was crawling up a rock and towards my leg. It made my heart jump and the hairs stand at attention on the back of my neck, but instead of crushing the spider to slimy little bits, I gently brushed him aside so he might carry on in another direction, hopefully not towards my sleeping bag.
  9. 07/31 Before leaving our campsite, I disposed of an empty sardine can left behind by a previous camper. It felt good to give a hoot.
  10. 10. 08/01 Stopped to let driver merge into traffic on busy street.

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