I'm Kathleen, many know me as Kat. I'm soon to be 30. Funny how my story into the family of Isshinryu began. I was actually forced into taking karate by my significant other, He Who Shall Not Be Named. Cannot tell I'm still a little bitter? I was very comfortable at home, totally not in the mood to go anywhere, and He Who Shall Not Be Named decided that it was good for me to go to karate. He said, "Get your bottom up! We're going to karate whether you like it or not." I instantly got in a bad mood. I was NOT happy about someone telling me what to do. I was quiet the whole time we were there. I think we even got into an argument about it. In any case, I started going to each class. As the days went by, I began to enjoy karate, even looking forward to it. Then He Who Shall Not Be Named decided that he was too busy to go to karate. The nerve of him! Getting me involved and then being a drop out himself. Back to me. I have joined the family for almost a year now and love it! I have become involved in Isshinryu more than I could have imagined. I continue to incorporate the teachings into my daily life and try to meet the challenges that are thrown at me. I hope those that are, and will be, in the Isshinryu family can take what I've taken and do the same.
I hate to say it, but if it was easy, everyone would be in class and have a black-belt. The average person simply doesn't make it. That being said, I hope everyone we have now does stick around. And who knows, maybe your friend will make it back in when he's run out of excuses.
It's great that you call us a family because we truly are. We sweat together, bruise together, learn together, and see each other overcome our own personal obstacles. It's important to have that support structure of our fellow students. There will come times in your training where the only people that understand what you've gone through and experienced will be the ones that came along side you and before you.
Karate has been far from easy. The hardest part is well-meaning friends and family who kindly suggest I use my time training for homework instead. Homework, training and work are all equally important. They must be balanced and it has been tricky. I wouldn't give up any of them though.
Master Joslin often talks about the "crab bucket." This is the idea that if you put a single crab in a bucket, he'll find a way to crawl out. If you put a whole bunch of crabs in a bucket however, as one starts to crawl out, the others pull him down. The point is to not let anyone pull you back down (or be the one pulling others down for that matter).
Not that I'm saying your friends and family are crabs in a bucket... it just reminded me of the story ;)
Sometimes they can be though. They are well-meaning crabs... crabs all the same. It took a lot of explaining and primarily stubborn persistence, but they get it now. :)
Lol. When you say He Who Shall Not Be Named, it reminds me of the Harry Potter books. Like you're dating Lord Voldemort =) I'm glad that you kept going to karate. You spar really well for your belt rank. I feel like many of you are better trained at your ranks than belts were a few years ago. That might be because Mr. Oliver is taking extra special care of all you guys.
>D. Thank you! We try hard to keep up with you and Mr. Oliver...TRY, being the key word. Not to mention he's a good teacher. ;) Look forward to training with you some more.
I was trying to be funny. I didn't think of Harry Potter, but that's probably what I was thinking unconsciously.