Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

Troy's tiny tiger project "Operation Helping Hospitals"

Hi, I'm Troy Beard and I am 6 years old. My tiny tiger project that I came up with is to help kids like me. I was in the pediatric ICU when I was two years old after having surgery for a brain tumor. I remember how toys and movies helped me feel better and gave me something to do when I was healing from my surgeries.
Operation Helping Hospitals is something I came up with to help get donations for kids at kaisers PICU where I spent a lot of time when I was two. I called kaiser and asked what kind of things they needed now in the PICU. They told me that great donations would be anything that can be used while laying down since most of the kids are stuck in their cribs because of all the monitors. They told me things like coloring books, white boards, magnadoodles and movies would be great donations. She also said these things need to be new (except for the movies) because of how sick most of these kids are and sanitation reasons.
I hope that people can help me make Operation Helping Hospitals great. I hope to deliver the donations to kaiser as soon as possible to make kids feel better soon. Thanks in advance for your support. -Troy Beard

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Comment by Matthew George on March 18, 2016 at 11:16am
Hi Troy,

I got a little something a few weeks ago to support your project but just missed the collection box. If you are planning another trip to the ward, please let me know and I'll bring the finger puppets (brand new, still sealed) to the dojo.
Comment by David Brezinski on February 28, 2016 at 1:38pm

Hello Troy.  What an excellent choice for a project and way to give back based on your own experiences.  We will make sure to help put some things into the donation box.  Thank you for your efforts and commitment to helping others.  

Comment by Katrina Smalley on February 28, 2016 at 7:50am

Awesome project!

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