On Saturday, a large group of students at our karate school proved that the martial arts are about much more than punching and kicking. Over 20 students and parents joined forces for the
Sacramento Creek Week cleanup. We tackled a long stretch of dry creek bed alongside Park Village street near Freeport and 43rd.
The most exciting thing about this project wasn’t the wild and wacky things that we found (a bicycle, tires, and a chair), but instead the fact that this event was lead by three young students all under 10 years old!
In class, we often talk about how defending the environment is linked to our own personal self-defense. Students can easily recite to you a memorized definition of what compassion means. On Saturday these students actually demonstrated what they’ve learned. They took it
out of the dojo and into the world.
This is the first of many projects that you will see being lead and inspired by our students. You see at our school, a student has to demonstrate what it means to be a complete martial artist to earn new ranks. Of course they have to be able to kick some serious butt when it’s on the line. But outside of the dojo they also have to demonstrate compassion, show leadership ability, and a true passion for making the world a better place in their own way.
Get inspired. Find somewhere, someway, somehow to make a difference.
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