Zen Martial Arts Center

Sacramento Martial Arts and Karate

Karate-Do, My Way of Life, Gichin Funakoshi, presents an enlightened way of life by way of kara-te “empty-hand”. Gichin Funakoshi practiced and strived to emphasis karate and gave every moment of focus toward it's greater meaning. As a young man he re-forged himself through rigorous humility, fending off judgment with silence and dedication to his teachers. He conditioned his body and mental resilience by standing balanced in horse stance in the middle of a typhoon. He continued to practice even in the most benign activity of walking on tengu-geta (single tooth clogs) and insisting on taking the stairs when the modern convenience of elevators was available. He gave the shirt off his back and doubled as a grounds custodian to keep his dojo open for any student that would show, wealthy or poor. He maintained that no matter his age and family stature he would dress his own bedding.


There are at least a couple meaningful adages that resonated for me among the many deeply intimate recollections of Funakoshi:


On page 35 he points out that the kanji for kara 唐 (Tō or Tang or Tang Dynasty) was often used combined with the kanji, Te 手 (hands) to translate to Tang-hands or Chinese-hands. The meaning or origin of the meaning is conjectural but it became his personal goal to encourage a more consistent use of the kanji 空 (Sky, Air, Empty). This is emphasized in his practice and he points out that the more the student studies karate, with the emphasis on emptiness, the more it becomes a way of life, in mind and body. He notes that “empty” is more appropriate due to use of empty hands and feet and to “empty the heart and mind of earthly desire and vanity”. It is where Funakoshi references the Buddhist scripture from the Heart’s Sutra: “Shiki-soku-zeku” and “Ku-soku-ze-shiki,” that he briefly reveals his deep philosophical belief in this life practice. The translation of the scripture he provides as “matter is void” and “all is vanity” is also translated as “phenomena are emptiness” and “emptiness is the phenomena”. Shiki is phenomena, matter, the mind and events, while Ku is emptiness or void but not nothingness but equality. It suggests the duality of void and matter. This reference profoundly moves me as I believe, though not necessarily practice as of yet, in this principle. I was unaware of this foundational belief within Karate though it has drawn me to it for many years. I feel fortunate to have found a practice that stems from this principle even now at 42 years old.


On page 81 Funakoshi recalled that some of his students had gone on to study wrestling but would often returned to his dojo to report. He recounts an experience with a former student that became a Grand Champion Onishiki and by all accounts was a teacher in his own right. Onishiki showed acts of propriety by offering his umbrella while walking in the rain and offering a cushion while sitting directly on the mat so that Funakoshi would be elevated as teacher. Funakoshi was impressed by this strong sense of propriety and it reminded him of many of his former students and that he learned as much from them as he felt he had taught them. It reminded him of the ultimate aim of training both body and mind.


As an Architect and manager I find myself helping to guide others in my company and field. I pause to consider if it is truly mentorship but at a minimum I try to assist others in establishing both personal and professional goals. In that process I find myself learning from the outcomes of those that I assist as much as they learn from achieving the goals they set out to complete. I believe that is the hidden gift to any teacher and I always encourage people to take what they’ve learned and show someone else. In the process of practicing what one has learned with others a greater knowledge of the practice is gained.

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Comment by stephanie l straehly on October 3, 2013 at 7:42am

This is a most awesome book. A must read. Before I married and moved almost 5 years ago. I was purchasing and reading as much as I could. I purchased this book and it is in my Library. I LOVE this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Has so many wonderful things to learn! So much wisdom!!

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